

bob-project - Create IDE project files


bob project [-h] [--list] [-D DEFINES] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-e NAME] [-E]
            [--download MODE] [--resume] [-n] [-b] [-j [JOBS]]
            [--sandbox | --no-sandbox]
            [projectGenerator] [package] ...


Generate Project Files.



Use config File

--download MODE

Download from binary archive (yes, no, deps, packages)

See bob-dev(1) for details.


Override default environment variable


Preserve environment variable


Preserve whole environment

-j, --jobs

Specifies the number of jobs to run simultaneously.


List available Generators


Do not build (bob dev) before generate project Files. RunTargets may not work


Disable sandboxing


Do build only (bob dev -b) before generate project Files. No checkout


Resume build where it was previously interrupted


Enable sandboxing

Eclipse CDT project generator

bob project eclipseCdt <package> [-h] [-u] [--buildCfg BUILDCFG] [--overwrite]
                        [--destination DEST] [--name NAME]
                        [--exclude EXCLUDES] [-I ADDITIONAL_INCLUDES]

The Eclipse CDT generator has the following specific options. They have to be passed on the command line after the package name.

--buildCfg BUILDCFG

Adds a new buildconfiguration. Format: <Name>::<flags>. Flags are passed to bob dev. See bob dev for a list of availabe flags.

--destination DEST

Destination of project files.

--exclude EXCLUDES

Packages will be marked as ‘exclude from build’ in eclipse. Usefull if indexer runs OOM.


Additional include directories.

--name NAME

Name of project. Default is complete_path_to_package


Remove destination folder before generating.

-u, --update

Update project files (.project).

QtCreator project generator

bob project qt-project <package> [-h] [-u] [--buildCfg BUILDCFG] [--overwrite]
                       [--destination DEST] [--name NAME]
                       [-I ADDITIONAL_INCLUDES] [-f Filter]
                       [--exclude Excludes] [--include Includes] [--kit KIT]
                       [-S START_INCLUDES] [-C CONFIG_DEF]

This generator also supports generation of project files for native Windows QtCreator by using MSYS2. The prerequisite is, that MSYS2 must be started by msys2_shell.cmd script.

The QtCreator project generator has the following specific options. They have to be passed on the command line after the package name.

--buildCfg BUILDCFG

Adds a new buildconfiguration. Format: <Name>::<flags>

--destination DEST

Destination of project files

-f Filter, --filter Filter

File filter. A regex for matching additional files.

--exclude Excludes

Package filter. A regex for excluding packages in QTCreator.

--include Includes

Include package filter. A regex for including only the specified packages in QTCreator. Use single quotes to specify your regex. For exmaple: –include ‘foobar-.*’ You can also mix the Includes with the Excludes. In this case always use the Includes option beforehand. For example: –include ‘foobar-.*’ –exclude ‘foobar-baz’ This will ensure you only include packages wtih foobar-* but excludes the foobar-baz package.


Additional include directories.

--kit KIT

Name of the kit to use for this project.

Qt Creator usually auto-detects your installed compilers on the system and creates one or more “kits” based on the detected settings. Bob will use the “Desktop” kit by default. The generator cannot create a project if QtCreator is not installed. If the “Desktop” kit is missing you have to create one or specify an existing one with the --kit option.

See the online documentation [1] for more information.

--name NAME

Name of project. Default is complete_path_to_package


Remove destination folder before generating.

-u, --update

Update project files (.files, .includes, .config)


Additional include directories, will be placed at the beginning of the include list.


Add line to .config file. Can be used to specify preprocessor defines used by the QTCreator.

Visual Studio Code project generator

bob project vscode <package> [-h] [--name NAME] [--destination DEST]
                   [--exclude EXCLUDES]
                   [--include INCLUDE] [-I ADDITIONAL_INCLUDES]
                   [-S START_INCLUDES] [--sort]

The Visual Studio Code generator will generate a single .code-workspace file which could be opened in the Visual Studio Code.

The Visual Studio Code generator has the following specific options. They have to be passed on the command line after the package name.

--name NAME

Name of project. Default is package_name

--destination DEST

Destination of project files.

--exclude EXCLUDES

Package filter. A regex for excluding packages in VSCode.

--include INCLUDE

Include package filter. A regex for including only the specified packages in VSCode. Use single quotes to specify your regex. For exmaple: –include ‘foobar-.*’ You can also mix the Includes with the Excludes. In this case always use the Includes option beforehand. For example: –include ‘foobar-.*’ –exclude ‘foobar-baz’ This will ensure you only include packages wtih foobar-* but excludes the foobar-baz package.


Additional include directories.


Additional include directories, will be placed at the beginning of the include list.


Sort the dependend packages by name (default: unsorted)