
When building packages, Bob executes the instructions defined by the recipes. All recipes are located relative to the project root directory in the recipes subdirectory. Recipes are YAML files with a defined structure. The name of the recipe and the resulting package(s) is derived from the file name by removing the trailing ‘.yaml’. To aid further organization of the recipes, they may be put into subdirectories under recipes. The directory name becomes part of the package name with a ::-separator.

To minimize repetition of common functionality, there is also an optional classes subdirectory. Classes have the same structure as recipes and can be included from recipes and other classes to factor out common stuff. Files that do not have the ‘.yaml’ extension are ignored when parsing the recipes and classes directories.

There are two additional configuration files: config.yaml and default.yaml. The former contains static configuration options while the latter holds some options that can have a default value and might be overridden on the command line. Putting that all together, a typical recipe tree looks like the following:

├── classes
│   └── make.yaml
├── config.yaml
├── default.yaml
└── recipes
    ├── busybox.yaml
    ├── initramfs
    │   ├── inittab
    │   └── rcS
    ├── initramfs.yaml
    ├── linux.yaml
    ├── toolchain
    │   ├── arm-linux-gnueabihf.yaml
    │   ├── make.yaml
    │   └── x86.yaml
    └── vexpress.yaml

Such a recipe and configuration tree is meant to be handled by an SCM (Source Code Manager). As you can see in the above tree there is a toolchain subdirectory in the recipes. The packages in this directory will be named toolchain::arm-linux-gnueabihf, toolchain::make and toolchain::x86. You can also see that there are other files (initramfs/…) that are included by recipes but are otherwise ignored by Bob.

In addition to the single project tree configuration, Bob supports layers. A layer has the same structure as shown above but is merged with the other layers during parsing. This structure is recursive (a layer may contain another layer) but is flattened during parsing. A typical structure might look like the following:

├── classes
│   └── ...
├── config.yaml
├── default.yaml
├── layers
│   ├── bsp
│   │   ├── default.yaml
│   │   └── recipes
│   │       ├── linux.yaml
│   │       └── toolchain
│   │           └── arm-linux-gnueabihf.yaml
│   └── myapp
│       └── recipes
│           └── fancy-app.yaml
└── recipes
    ├── busybox.yaml
    ├── initramfs
    │   ├── inittab
    │   └── rcS
    ├── initramfs.yaml
    ├── toolchain
    │   ├── make.yaml
    │   └── x86.yaml
    └── vexpress.yaml

Conceptually the recipes (and classes) from the bsp and myapp layers are parsed together at the same level with the recipes of the project root. The recipes may reference each other freely. The only restriction is that a particular recipe or class must only be defined by one layer. It is not allowed to “overwrite” a recipe in a layer above.

Layers must be configured in config.yaml to be picked up. This is a list of either simple layer names that are then expected in the layers directory or an SCM specification where the layer is fetched from:

    - myapp
    - name: bsp
      scm: git

The order of layers is important with respect to settings made by default.yaml in the various layers. The project root has the highest precedence. The layers in config.yaml are named from highest to lowest precedence. A layer with a higher precedence can override settings from layers of lower precedence.

Layers allow you to structure your projects into larger entities that can be reused in other projects. This modularity helps to separate different aspects of bigger projects like the used toolchain, the board support package and the applications integration.

Principle operation

All packages are built by traversing the recipe tree starting from one or more root recipes. These are recipes that have the root attribute set to True. There must be at least one root recipe in a project. The tree of recipes is traversed depth first. While following the dependencies, Bob keeps a local state that consists of the following information:


Bob always keeps the full set of variables but only a subset is visible when executing the scripts. Initially, only the variables defined in default.yaml in the environment section are available. Environment variables can be set at various points that are described below in more detail.


Tools are aliases for paths to executables. Initially there are no tools. They are defined by provideTools and must be explicitly imported by downstream recipes by listing tools in the use attribute. Like environment variables, the tools are kept as key value pairs where the key is a string and the value is the executable and library paths that are imported when using a tool.


This defines the root file system and paths that are used to build the package. Unless a sandbox is consumed by listing sandbox in the use attribute of a dependency, the normal host executables are used. Sandboxed builds are described in a separate section below.

All of this information is carried as local state when traversing the dependency tree. Each recipe gets a local copy that is propagated upstream. Any updates to downstream recipes must be done by explicitly offering the information with one of the provide* keywords and the downstream recipe must consume it by adding the relevant item to the use attribute of the dependency.

Step execution

The actual work when building a package is done in the following three steps. They are scripts that are executed with (and only with) the declared environment and tools.


The checkout step is there to fetch the source code or any external input of the package. Despite the script defined by checkoutScript, Bob supports a number of source code management systems natively. They can be listed in checkoutSCM and are fetched/updated before the checkoutScript is run.


This is the step where most of the work should be done to build the package. The buildScript receives the result of the checkout step as argument $1, and any further dependency whose result is consumed is passed in order starting with $2. If no checkout step was provided, $1 will point to some invalid path.


Typically, the build step will produce a lot of intermediate files (e.g. object files). The package step has the responsibility to distill a clean result of the package. The packageScript will receive a single argument with the path to the build step.

Each step of a recipe is executed separately and always in the above order. The scripts’ working directory is already where the result is expected. The scripts should make no assumption about the absolute path or the relative path to other steps. Only the working directory might be modified.

Script languages

Bob itself is written in the Python scripting language but actually independent of the scripting language that is used during step execution (see above). Currently Bob supports two scripting languages: bash and PowerShell. Classes and recipes may define their scripts in one or both scripting languages. The actually used language at build time is determined by the scriptLanguage key or, if nothing was specified, by the project scriptLanguage setting. The other language scripts are ignored.

Environment handling

The variables listed in environment of default.yaml with their configured value are mangled through String substitution by the current OS environment and are then taken over into the initial environment. The user might additionally override or set certain variables from the command line. Such variables are always taken over verbatim. The so calculated set of variables is the starting point for each root recipe.

The next steps are repeated for each recipe as the dependency tree is traversed. A copy of the environment is inherited from the downstream recipe.

  1. Any variable defined in environment is set to the given value.

  2. Make a copy of the local environment that is subsequently passed to each dependency (named “forwarded environment” thereafter).

  3. For each dependency do the following:

    1. Make a dedicated copy of the environment for the dependency.

    2. Set variables given in the environment attribute of the dependency in this copy.

    3. Descend to the dependency recipe with that environment.

    4. Merge all variables of the provideVars section of the dependency into the local environment if environment is listed in the use attribute of the dependency.

    5. If the forward attribute of the dependency is True then any merged variable of the previous step is updated in the forwarded environment too.

After all dependencies have been processed, the environment variables of tools (see provideTools) that are used in the recipe are merged into the local environment. Finally, variables defined in privateEnvironment and metaEnvironment are merged too.

A subset of the resulting local environment can be passed to the three execution steps. The variables available to the scripts are defined by {checkout,build,package}Vars and {checkout,build,package}VarsWeak. The former property defines variables that are considered to influence the build while the latter names variables that are expected to not influence the outcome of the build.

A variable that is consumed in one step is also set in the following. This means a variable consumed through checkoutVars is also set during the build and package steps. Likewise, a variable consumed by buildVars is set in the package step too. The rationale is that all three steps form a small pipeline. If a step depends on a certain variable then the result of the following step is already indirectly dependent on this variable. Thus it can be set during the following step anyway.

A recipe might optionally offer some variables to the downstream recipe with a provideVars section. The values of these variables might use variable substitution where the substituted values are coming from the local environment. The downstream recipe must explicitly consume these provided variables by adding environment to the use attribute of the dependency.

Tool handling

Tools are handled very similar to environment variables when being passed in the recipe dependency tree. Tools are aliases for a package together with a relative path to the executable(s) and optionally some library paths for shared libraries. Another recipe using a tool gets the path to the executable(s) added to its $PATH.

Starting at the root recipe, there are no tools. The next steps are repeated for each recipe as the dependency tree is traversed. A copy of the tool aliases is inherited from the downstream recipe.

  1. Make a copy of the local tool aliases that is subsequently passed to each dependency (named “forwarded tools” thereafter).

  2. For each dependency do the following:

    1. Descend to the dependency recipe with the forwarded tools

    2. Merge all tools of the provideTools section of the dependency into the local tools if tools is listed in the use attribute of the dependency.

    3. If the forward attribute of the dependency is True then any merged tools of the previous step are updated in the forwarded tools too.

While the full set of tools is carried through the dependency tree, only a specified subset of these tools is available when executing the steps of a recipe. The available tools are defined by {checkout,build,package}Tools. A tool that is consumed in one step is also set in the following. This means a tool consumed through checkoutTools is also available during the build and package steps. Likewise, a tool consumed by buildTools is available in the package step too.

To define one or more tools, a recipe must include a provideTools section that defines the relative execution path and library paths of one or more tool aliases. These aliases may be picked up by the downstream recipe by having tools in the use attribute of the dependency.

Sandbox operation

Unless a sandbox is configured for a recipe, the steps are executed directly on the host. Bob adds any consumed tools to the front of $PATH and controls the available environment variables. Apart from this, the build result is pretty much dependent on the installed applications of the host.

Initially no sandbox is defined. An upstream recipe might offer its built package as sandbox through provideSandbox. The downstream recipe must define sandbox in the use attribute of this dependency to pick it up as sandbox. This sandbox is effective only for the current recipe. If forward is additionally set to True the following dependencies will inherit this sandbox for their execution.

The sandbox image must provide everything to execute the steps. In particular, the following things must be provided by the sandbox image:

  • There must be an etc/passwd file containing the “nobody” user with uid 65534.

  • There must not be a home directory. Bob creates this directory on demand and will fail if it already exists.

  • There must not be a tmp directory for the same reason.

  • The interpreter of the used script language must be available (bash or pwsh) and it must be in $PATH. When using bash (the default) at least version 4 must be installed. Bob uses associative arrays that are not available in earlier versions.

String substitution

At most places where strings are handled in keywords, it is possible to use variable substitution. These substitutions might be simple variables, but a variety of string processing functions is also available that can optionally be extended by plugins. The following syntax is supported:

  • Variable substitution
    • ${var}: The value of var is substituted. The variable has to be defined or an error will be raised. The braces can be omitted if the variable name consists only of letters, numbers and _ and when the name is followed by a character that is not interpreted as part of its name.

    • ${var:-default}: If variable var is unset or null, the expansion of default is substituted. Otherwise the value of var is substituted. Omitting the colon results in a test only for var being unset.

    • ${var:+alternate}: If variable var is unset or null, nothing is substituted. Otherwise the expansion of alternate is substituted. Omitting the colon results in a test only for var being unset.

  • $(fun,arg1,...): Substitutes the result of calling fun with the given arguments. Unlike unix shells, which employ word splitting at whitespaces, the function arguments are separated by commas. Any white spaces are kept and belong to the arguments. To put a comma or closing parenthesis into an argument it has to be escaped by a backslash or double/single quotes.

  • Quoting
    • "...": Double quotes begin a new substitution context that runs until the matching closing double quote. All substituions are still recognized.

    • '...': Enclosing characters in single quotes preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.

    • \.: A backslash preserves the literal meaning of the following character. The only exception is within single quotes where backslash is not recognized as meta character.

The following built in string functions are supported:

  • $(eq,left,right): Returns true if the expansions of left and right are equal, false otherwise.

  • $(match,string,pattern[,flags]): Returns true if pattern is found in string, false otherwise. Quoting the pattern is recommended. Flags are optional. The only currently supported flag is i to ignore case while searching.

  • $(if-then-else,condition,then,else): The expansion of condition is interpreted as a boolean value. If the condition is true the expansion of then is returned. Otherwise else is returned.

  • $(is-sandbox-enabled): Return true if a sandbox image is used in the current context, false otherwise.

  • $(is-tool-defined,name): If name is a defined tool in the current context the function will return true. Otherwise false is returned.

  • $(ne,left,right): Returns true if the expansions of left and right differ, otherwise false is returned.

  • $(not,condition): Interpret the expansion of condition as boolean value and return the opposite.

  • $(or,condition1,condition2,...): Expand each condition and then interpret each condition as boolean. Return false when all conditions are false, otherwise true.

  • $(and,condition1,condition2,...): Expand each condition and the interpret each condition as booelan. Return true when all conditions are true, otherwise false.

  • $(strip,text): Remove leading and trailing whitespaces from the expansion of text.

  • $(subst,from,to,text): Replace every occurence of from with to in text.

  • $(get-tool-env,tool,var[,default]): Return the environment variable var defined by tool tool. The substition will fail if the variable is undefined in the tools provideTools environment definition unless the optional default is given, which is then used instead.

The following built in string functions are additionally supported in package path queries. They cannot be used in recipes as they work on packages:

  • $(matchScm,property,pattern): Return true if there is at least one checkoutSCM in the package that has a property that matches the pattern. Otherwise returns false. Shell globbing patterns may be used as pattern.

Plugins may provide additional functions as described in String functions.

Boolean properties

Depending on the context one or more of the following types are supported in boolean properties:


A string that is subject to variable subsitution. The empty string, “0” (zero) and “false” (case insensitive) are considered as logical “false”. Any other value is considered as “true”.


A YAML boolean value. (True, False)


An IfExpression which is a special YAML-type (!expr) defined by Bob. This is an expression in infix notation that is using the same String literals and String function calls as available for bobpaths. If the expression is a simple string it’s value is interpreted as defined above for plain strings. More complex expressions are always of boolean type. Example:

if: !expr |
      "${FOO}" == "bar" || "${BAZ}"

The allowed type is specified at each property individually.

Host dependency fingerprinting

Bob closely tracks the input of all packages. This includes all checked out sources and the dependencies to other packages. If something is changed, Bob can accurately determine which packages have to be rebuilt. This information is also used to find matching binary artifacts. If a recipe depends on resources that are outside of the declared recipes, the situation changes though. Bob cannot infer what external resources are actually used and how these influence the build result.

A common host dependency that “taints” the build result is the host compiler. While the host compiler typically does not change, it limits the portability across machines in the form of binary artifacts. The dependency on the host architecture is obvious, but also the libc has to be considered. This can be extended to other libraries that might be used by the recipe.

To let Bob know about the usage and state of an external host resource, a fingerprint script can be used in the recipe. The output of the fingerprint script is used to “tag” the created package. If the fingerprint changes, the package is rebuilt. The fingerprint is also attached to the binary artifact. To download a binary artifact of a package, the fingerprint has to match.

The fingerprint does not apply to the checkoutScript, though. If the result of your checkoutScript depends on the host that it runs on, you have to set checkoutDeterministic to False. The fingerprint serves only as a virtual input to the build and package steps to declare to Bob what part of the host is used by the recipe.

The impact of the host that is declared by a fingerprint script applies only to the result of a recipe. Specifically, it does not apply to the implied behaviour of any provided tools. This means that when using a tool from another recipe that is directly or indirectly affected by a fingerprint, the using recipe is not affected. The rationale for this exception of transitivity is that it typically does not matter where a tool is built but how it behaves.

See fingerprintScript[{Bash,Pwsh}] and provideTools for information where fingerprint scripts can be configured.

Recipe and class keywords


Type: String

This is the script that is executed by Bob at the respective stage when building the Packet. It is strongly recommended to write the script as a newline preserving block literal. See the following example (note the pipe symbol on the end of the first line):

buildScript: |

The suffix of the keyword determines the language of the script. Using the Bash suffix (e.g. buildScriptBash) defines a script that is interpreted with bash. Likewise, the Pwsh suffix (e.g. buildScriptPwsh) defines a PowerShell script. Which language is used at build time is determined by the scriptLanguage key or, if nothing was specified, by the project scriptLanguage setting. A keyword without a suffix (e.g. buildScript) is interpreted in whatever language is finally used at build time. If both the keyword with the build time language suffix and without a suffix are present then the keyword with the build language suffix takes precedence.

The script is subject to file inclusion with the $<<path>>, $<@path@> and $<'path'> syntax. The files are included relative to the current recipe. The given path might be a shell globbing pattern. If multiple files are matched by path, the files are sorted by name before being processed. Matching no file leads to an error. Depending on the particular syntax, the file(s) are included in different ways:


This syntax concatenates the file(s) and replaces the escape pattern with a (possibly temporary) file name which has all the content. The script will always see a single file name.


For each matched file, the script will see a (possibly temporary) file with its content. The order of files is still sorted by the original file name. Like the $<<path>> syntax, the file names are not predictable at runtime and do not resemble the original file names.


This syntax concatenates the file(s) and inserts the result as string literal. The strings are fully quoted and not subject to any parameter substitution.


When including files as quoted strings, they have to be UTF-8 encoded.

The scripts of any classes that are inherited which define a script for the same step are joined in front of this script in the order the inheritance is specified. The inheritance graph is traversed depth first and every class is included exactly once.

Dependencies of the recipe are by default only available to the buildScript. The path to the previous step (checkout workspace for buildScript, build workspace for packageScript) is always passed in $1. Other dependencies are available in the order in which they were declared at the depends section of the recipe. If a dependencies checkoutDep flag is set to True it will also be available to the checkoutScript. This should be used carefully as it makes the checkout of the recipe sources dependent on the result of another dependency.

During execution of the script only the environment variables SHELL, USER, TERM, HOME and anything that was declared via {checkout,build,package}Vars are set. The PATH is reset to “/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin” or whatever was declared in config.yaml. Any tools that are consumed by a {checkout,build,package}Tools declaration are added to the front of PATH. The same holds for $LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the difference of starting completely empty.

Additionally, the following (environment) variables are populated automatically:

  • BOB_CWD: Environment variable holding the working directory of the current script as absolute path.

  • BOB_ALL_PATHS: An associative array that holds the paths to the results of all dependencies indexed by the package name. This also includes indirect dependencies such as consumed tools or the sandbox.

  • BOB_DEP_PATHS: An associative array of all direct dependencies. This array comes in handy if you want to refer to a dependency by name (e.g. ${BOB_DEP_PATHS[libfoo-dev]}) instead of the position (e.g. $2).

  • BOB_TOOL_PATHS: An associative array that holds the execution paths to consumed tools indexed by the package name. All these paths are in $PATH resp. %PATH%.

The associative arrays are no regular environment variables. Hence they are not inherited by other processes that are invoked by the executed scripts. In bash scripts they are associative arrays. See Bash Arrays for more information. In PowerShell scripts they are defined as Hash Tables.

For PowerShell scripts a utility function called Check-Command is available. It has two arguments: the first one (ScriptBlock) expects a script block that is executed. The optional second argument (ErrorAction) lets you override the error action. After the script block was executed the Check-Command function will check the last exit status and invoke the error action if it is not zero. Example:

Check-Command { cmake --build . }

By default it will halt the script execution. This helper is needed because there is no possibility to configure PowerShell to stop execution when an external command fails. Make sure to wrap calls to external tools with Check-Command or check $lastexitcode yourself. Otherwise the build will not detect errors involving external commands!


Type: String

Setup scripts are prepended to the executed regular scripts defined by {checkout,build,package}Script[{Bash,Pwsh}]. Defining a setup script does not yet enable the corresponding step. Conceptually a setup script is intended to define helper functions or variables but they should not yet execute anything. They are included when entering the shell environment of a step (i.e. calling shell). As such they are intended mainly for classes so that the definitions of a class are automatically available in the shell environment.

A checkoutSetup script is always considered deterministic. That is, the checkoutDeterministic setting only applies to the checkoutScript.

Other than the above differences setup scripts are identical to {checkout,build,package}Script[{Bash,Pwsh}].


Type: List of strings or tool dictionaries

This is a list of tools that should be added to $PATH during the execution of the respective checkout/build/package script. A tool denotes a folder in an (indirect) dependency. A tool might declare some library paths that are then added to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The order of tools in $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is unspecified. It is assumed that each tool provides a separate set of executables so that the order of their inclusion does not matter.

In the simple form, a tool is only specified as simple string. This will use the tool unconditionally:

checkoutTools: [foo, bar]

If necessary, a tool can also be used conditionally. In this case the tool is specified as a dictionary of the mandatory name and an optional if condition:

    - name: foo
      if: "$CONDITION"
    - bar

The conditions will be checked with the final environment of a package, that is after all dependencies of a recipe have been traversed.

A tool that is consumed in one step is also set in the following. This means a tool consumed through checkoutTools is also available during the build and package steps. Likewise a tool consumed by buildTools is available in the package step too. The rationale is that all three steps form a small pipeline. If a step depends on a certain tool then the result of the following step is already indirectly dependent on this tool. Thus it can be available during the following step anyway.


Type: List of strings

This property has the same semantics as {checkout,build,package}Tools with one exception: despite the presence of the included tools the exact variants of the tools are not considered to influence the result. That is, how the tools are built and which versions of the tools are used, are ignored by Bob. They neither contribute to variant management nor will they trigger a rebuild of a package if they change.

Typical examples of weak tools are script interpreters like make or bash. The exact version of these tools and the build flags of them are typically not relevant for the build result of a package. These tools can be safely declared as weak tools. On the other hand the C/C++-toolchain cannot be a weak tool because the toolchain version and build time options (e.g. target architecture) have a direct impact on the build results. Such toolchains must not be included weakly.


Type: List of strings

This is a list of environment variables that should be set during the execution of the checkout/build/package script. This declares the dependency of the respective step to the named variables.

It is not an error if a variable listed here is unset. This is especially useful for classes or to implement default behaviour that can be overridden by the user from the command line. If you expect a variable to be unset, it is your responsibility to handle that case in the script. Every reference to such a variable should be guarded with ${VAR-somthing} or ${VAR+something}.

A variable that is consumed in one step is also set in the following. This means a variable consumed through checkoutVars is also set during the build and package steps. Likewise, a variable consumed by buildVars is set in the package step too. The rationale is that all three steps form a small pipeline. If a step depends on a certain variable then the result of the following step is already indirectly dependent on this variable. Thus it can be set during the following step anyway.

The following variables are populated internally by Bob and might be added to the variable list:

  • BOB_HOST_PLATFORM - the platform identifier where Bob is running on. The following values are defined:

    • linux: Linux

    • msys: Windows/MSYS2

    • cygwin: Windows/Cygwin

    • win32: Windows

    • darwin: Mac OS X

  • BOB_RECIPE_NAME - name of the recipe that defined the package

  • BOB_PACKAGE_NAME - name of the actual package. Might be different from the recipe name if multiPackage is used.

Note that you should keep the usage of these variables to a minimum because they may force separate builds of packages that are otherwise identical. For example using BOB_PACKAGE_NAME in buildVars will force separate builds of all involved multiPackage keys even if they have a common buildScript because BOB_PACKAGE_NAME will be unique for each multiPackage entry.


Type: List of strings

This is a list of environment variables that should be set during the execution of the checkout/build/package script. These variables are not considered to influence the result, very much like the variables listed in whitelist.


Bob expects that the content of these variables is irrelevant for the actual build result. They neither contribute to variant management nor will they trigger a rebuild of a package if they change.

For example, a typical usage of buildVarsWeak is to specify the number of parallel make jobs. While it changes the behaviour of the job (the number of parallel compiler processes) it will not change the actual build result. The weak inclusion of a variable has no effect if it is also referenced by {checkout,build,package}Vars. In this case the variable will always be considered significant for the build result.

It is not an error that a variable listed here is unset. This is especially useful for classes or to implement default behaviour that can be overridden by the user from the command line. If you expect a variable to be unset it is your responsibility to handle that case in the script. Every reference to such a variable should be guarded with ${VAR-somthing} or ${VAR+something}.

A variable that is consumed in one step is also set in the following. This means a variable consumed through checkoutVarsWeak is also set during the build and package steps. Likewise, a variable consumed by buildVarsWeak is set in the package step too. The rationale is that all three steps form a small pipeline. If a step depends on a certain variable then the result of the following step is already indirectly dependent on this variable. Thus it can be set during the following step anyway.


Type: Boolean

By default the external network is not accessible during build or package steps when building inside a sandbox. Checkout steps always have network access. If such access is still needed a recipe may set the buildNetAccess or the packageNetAccess to True.


Bob assumes that build and package steps are deterministic. Do not rely on external state that changes the behavior of the build. Unless the input of a package changes (sources, dependencies) Bob will not re-build a package.

To configure the network access based on the actually used tools by a recipe you can set the netAccess property in provideTools. The {build,package}NetAccess should only be set if the script in the recipe itself requires the network access during build or package steps.


Type: List of checkout assertions

Using checkoutAssert you can make a build fail if a file content has been changed. This is especially useful to detect modifications in license files and copyright notices in source files.

The following properties are supported:




The file in the workspace to check. Must be a relative path.


Digest of the file / part (lower case). Either pre calculate it using sha1sum command or take the output of the first (failing) run.


First line of the file that is checked. Optional integer number. Defaults to 1 (first line of file).


Last line of file that is checked. Optional integer number. Defaults to last line of file.

Line numbers start at 1 and are inclusive. The start line is always taken into account even if the end line is equal or smaller. The line terminator is always \n (ASCII “LF”, 0x0a) regardless of the host operating system.

String substitution is applied to every setting.


    - file: LICENSE
      digestSHA1: "2f7285314f4c057c75dbc0e5fad403b2d0691628"
    - file: src/namespace-sandbox/namespace-sandbox.c
      digestSHA1: "5ee22fb054c92560ec17202dec67202563e0d145"
      start: 3
      end: 13


Type: Boolean

By default a checkoutScript is considered indeterministic. The rationale is that extra care must be taken for a script to fetch always the same sources. If you are sure that the result of the checkout script is always the same you may set this to True.

The checkoutDeterministic keyword only relates to the checkoutScript at the same level. Each recipe or class must declare the determinism of its checkoutScript. If there is no checkoutScript then checkoutDeterministic implicitly defaults to True. Everything in checkoutSCM is not affected by checkoutDeterministic. All SCMs included in Bob will determine their determinism based on the configuration automatically, e.g. using a commit or tag is considered deterministic while using a branch is indeterministic.

If the checkout is deemed deterministic it enables Bob to apply various optimizations. Deterministic checkouts do not need to be executed every time and binary artifacts can be searched without executing the checkout script at all.


The checkoutDeterministic setting does not apply to the optional checkoutSetup script. Setup scripts are always considered deterministic.


Type: SCM-Dictionary or List of SCM-Dictionaries

Bob understands several source code management systems natively. On one hand it enables the usage of dedicated plugins on a Jenkins server. On the other hand Bob can manage the checkout step workspace much better in the development build mode.

All SCMs are fetched/updated before the checkoutScript of the package are run. The checkoutScript should not move or modify the checkoutSCM directories, though.

If the package consists of a single git module you can specify the SCM directly:

    scm: git
    url: git://

If the package is built from multiple modules you can give a list of SCMs:

        scm: git
        url: git://...
        dir: src/foo
        scm: svn
        url: https://...
        dir: src/bar

There are three common (string) attributes in all SCM specifications: scm, dir (*) and if. Additionally to the string type, the if property may be given as IfExpression (see Boolean properties). By default the SCMs check out to the root of the workspace. You may specify any relative path in dir to checkout to this directory.


The defaults of all attributes marked by an asterisk (*) can be changed by scmDefaults in the user configuration.

Special care must be taken if SCMs are nested, that is the dir attribute of one SCM is a subdirectory of another. Bob requires that the SCM with the upper directory has to be in the list before the SCMs that are checked out into subdirectories. Additionally, SCMs that are natively supported by Jenkins plugins (git, svn), cannot be nested into the other SCMs (cvs, import, url). The reason is that Jenkins SCM plugins always execute before anything else in a Jenkins job.

By using if you can selectively enable or disable a particular SCM using either a string or a expression. In case a string is given to the if-keyword it is substituted according to String substitution and the final string is interpreted as a boolean value (everything except the empty string, 0 and false is considered true). In case you’re using the expression syntax you can use String literals and String function calls to express a condition (see Boolean properties). The SCM will only be considered if the condition passes.

Currently the following scm values are supported:


Additional attributes


cvsroot: repository location (”:ext:...”, path name, etc.)
module: module name
rev: revision, branch, or tag name (optional)


url: URL of remote repository
branch (*): Branch to check out (optional, default: master)
tag: Checkout this tag (optional, overrides branch attribute)
commit: SHA1 commit Id to check out (optional, overrides branch or tag attribute)
rebase (*): Rebase local branch instead of fast-forward merge update (optional, defaults to false)
rev: Canonical git-rev-parse revision specification (optional, see below)
remote-*: additional remote repositories (optional, see below)
sslVerify (*): Whether to verify the SSL certificate when fetching (optional)
shallow (*): Number of commits or cutoff date that should be fetched (optional)
singleBranch (*): Fetch only single branch instead of all (optional)
submodules (*): Whether to clone all / a subset of submodules. (optional)
recurseSubmodules (*): Recusively clone submodules (optional, defaults to false)
shallowSubmodules (*): Clone submodules shallowly (optional, defaults to true)
references (*): Git reference. A local reference repo to be used as
alternate (see man git-clone).
A list of strings or a dictionaries with
url: (optional, Regex-String, default: .*). The matching part
of the remote URL is replaced by
repo: (String) local storage path.
optional: (Boolean, default True). Marks the reference as
optional if true. Otherwise a error is raised if the
local reference repo didn’t exitst.
Note: references are not used for submodules.
retries (*): Number of retries before the checkout is set to failed.
disassociate: (Boolean, default false). Diasassociate the reference.


url: Directory path relative to project root.
prune (*): Delete destination directory before importing files.


url: URL of SVN module
revision: Optional revision number (optional)
sslVerify (*): Whether to verify the SSL certificate when fetching (optional)


url: File that should be downloaded
digestSHA1: Expected SHA1 digest of the file (optional)
digestSHA256: Expected SHA256 digest of the file (optional)
digestSHA512: Expected SHA512 digest of the file (optional)
extract (*): Extract directive (optional, default: auto)
fileName (*): Local file name (optional, default: url file name)
fileMode (*): File mode (optional, default depends on defaultFileMode policy)
sslVerify (*): Whether to verify the SSL certificate when fetching (optional)
stripComponents (*): Number of leading components stripped from file name
(optional, tar files only)
retries (*): Number of retries before the checkout is set to failed.

The following synthetic attributes exist. They are generated internally and cannot be set in the recipe. They are intended to be matched in queries or to show additional information.

  • overridden: Boolean that is true if a scmOverrides was applied. Otherwise false.

  • recipe: The file name of the recipe/class that defined this SCM

Most SCMs support the sslVerify attribute. This is a boolean that controls whether to verify the SSL certificate when fetching. If unset, it defaults to True. If at all possible, fixing a certificate problem is preferable to using this option.


The CVS SCM requires a cvsroot, which is what you would normally put in your CVSROOT environment variable or pass to CVS using -d. If you specify a revision, branch, or tag name, Bob will check out that instead of the HEAD. Unfortunately, because Bob cannot know beforehand whether the rev you gave it points to a branch or tag, it must consider this SCM nondeterministic. To check out using ssh, you can use the syntax :ssh:user@host:/path, which will be translated into an appropriate CVS_RSH assignment by Bob. Alternatively, you can use a normal :ext: CVSROOT and manually pass the CVS_RSH value into the recipe using checkoutVars.


The git SCM requires at least an url attribute. The URL might be any valid Git URL. To checkout a branch other than master add a branch attribute with the branch name. To checkout a tag instead of a branch specify it with tag. You may specify the commit id directly with a commit attribute too.


The default branch of the remote repository is not used. Bob will always checkout “master” unless branch, tag or commit is given.

If neiter a commit, nor a tag is specified, Bob will try to track the upstream branch with fast forward merges. This implies that updates will fail if the upstream repository has been rebased or there are local conflicting changes or commits. Set the rebase property to True to handle upstream rebases or local commits.


Rebasing is a potentially dangerous operation. Make sure you read and understood the git rebase manpage before using this option.

The rev property of the git SCM unifies the specification of the desired branch/tag/commit into one single property. If present it will be evaluated first. Any other branch, tag or commit property is evaluated after it and may override a previous setting made by rev. The branch/tag/commit precedence is still respected, though. Following the patterns described in git-rev-parse(1) the following formats are currently supported:

  • <sha1>, e.g. dae86e1950b1277e545cee180551750029cfe735. The full SHA-1 object name (40-byte hexadecimal string).

  • refs/tags/<tagname>, e.g. refs/tags/v1.0. The symbolic name of a tag.

  • refs/heads/<branchname>, e.g. refs/heads/master. The name of a branch.

The remote-* property allows adding extra remotes whereas the part after remote- corresponds to the remote name and the value given corresponds to the remote URL. For example remote-my_name set to some/url.git will result in an additional remote named my_name and the URL set to some/url.git.

To reduce the amount of data that is fetched from the remote repository the optional shallow attribute can be set. If it is an integer then only this number of commits are fetched from the tip of the remote branches (--depth clone parameter). It can also be a string that should be a date understood by git (passed as --shallow-since= to git). Either option will imply singleBranch to be true. This further restricts the fetching of remote branches to the configured branch only. Set singleBranch either to False to explicitly fetch all remote branches or to True to fetch only the current branch, regardless of the shallow setting.


You can set the shallow and singleBranch properties with scmOverrides too. This can be used to improve the build times of existing projects or to fetch the whole history if shallow is used in the recipes.

Another option is to use a local mirror of the repo. To use this define references either in the recipe or in scmDefaults.

E.g. if the remote URL of your repo is ‘’ and you have a local mirror of this repo is at /mirror/repo.git put:

   url: ""
   repo: "/mirror/"
   optional: False

in your default.yaml to use the local mirror. Note: The url parameter must match for every repo in the recipes. Use regex pattern to achive this.

By default submodules will not be cloned. Set the submodules property to true to populate them automatically. You can also set it to a list of paths to clone only a subset of submodules. To recursively clone submodules of submodules too, set the recurseSubmodules property to True:

    - scm: git
      url: foo@bar.test
      submodules: True           # clone all direct submodules
    - scm: git
      url: subset@foo.test
      submodules:                # clone only submodule "foo/bar"
         - foo/bar
    - scm: git
      url: something@else.test
      submodules: True           # clone submodules
      recurseSubmodules: True    # recursively for sub-submodules too

The submodules will be cloned shallowly by default. To clone submodules with the whole history set shallowSubmodules to False. Only submodules that are in detached HEAD state and are on the commit as recorded in the git tree will be automatically updated if the main module branch is updated. Otherwise a warning will be shown and the submodule won’t be updated, including possible sub-submodules.


Bob makes certain assumptions about your git usage. If any of the following conditions are violated you may run into undefined behaviour:

  • Tags never change. You must not replace a tag with different content.

  • The content of the git repository must not depend on the user authentication. See scmIgnoreUser policy.

  • The build result is not influenced by shallow clones.


The import SCM copies the directory specified in url to the workspace. By default the destination is always overwritten and obsolete files are deleted. Set prune to False to only overwrite if the source file was changed more recently than the exiting destination in the workspace. Before Bob 0.18 the default was the other way around (see pruneImportScm).

In contrast to the other SCMs that fetch across the network the import SCM is always updated, even if --build-only is used. Because only local files are imported there is no possibility to inadvertely fetch unwanted changes from other users. The files should thus always be edited at the import source location and not in the workspace.


Do not import large source trees when working with Jenkins builds. The content is included in the job configuration that will get too large otherwise.


The Svn SCM, like git, requires the url attribute too. If you specify a numeric revision Bob considers the SCM as deterministic.


The url SCM naturally needs an url attribute. This might be a proper URL (e.g. or a file name. The supported URL schemas depend on Pythons urllib module but http, https, ftp and file should work. If a bare file name is specified, tilde expansion is performed. This replaces the initial ~ or ~user by the user’s home directory.

If a SHA digest is given with digestSHA1, digestSHA256 and/or digestSHA512, the downloaded file will be checked for a matching hash sum. This also makes the URL deterministic for Bob. Otherwise the URL will be checked in each build for updates. Based on the file name ending, Bob will try to extract the downloaded file. You may prevent this by setting the extract attribute to no or False. If the heuristic fails, the extraction tool may be specified as tar, gzip, xz, 7z or zip directly. For tar files it is possible to strip a configurable number of leading components from file names on extraction by the stripComponents attribute.


Starting with Bob 0.14 (see tidyUrlScm policy) the whole directory where the file is downloaded is claimed by the SCM. It is not possible to fetch multiple files in the same directory. This is done to separate possibly extracted files safely from other checkouts.

The file mode of the downloaded or copied file can be set with the fileMode attribute. Two formats are supported: bit masks (as octal number) or a symbolic string mode. Both formats follow the chmod command syntax. Examples: 0764, "u=rwx,g=rw,o=r". The fileMode defaults to 0600/"u=rw" unless the defaultFileMode policy is configured for the old behaviour.


Type: String | Boolean | null | IfExpression (Boolean properties), default: False

By default no checkout scripts are run when building with --build-only. Some use cases practically require the checkoutScript to be always run, through. A typical example are code generators that generate sources from some high level description. These generators must be run every time when the user has changed the input. A recipe or class can explicitly opt in to run their checkoutScript also in build-only mode to cover such a use case. This is done by either setting checkoutUpdateIf to True or by a boolean expression that is evaluated to True. Otherwise the checkoutScript is ignored even if some other class enables its script. The checkoutUpdateIf property thus only applies to the corresponding checkoutScript in the same recipe/class.

A null value has a special semantic. It does not enable the checkoutScript on --build-only builds by itself but only if some inherited class or the recipe does enable its checkoutUpdateIf. This is useful for classes to provide some update functions but, unless an inheriting recipe explicitly enables checkoutUpdateIf, does not cause the checkout step to run by itself in --build-only mode.


checkoutUpdateIf: False                             # default, same as if unset
checkoutUpdateIf: True                              # unconditionally run checkoutScript
checkoutUpdateIf: "$(is-tool-defined,idl-compiler)" # boolean expression
checkoutUpdateIf: !expr |                           # IfExpression


Type: List of Strings or Dependency-Dictionaries

Declares a list of other recipes that this recipe depends on. Each list entry might either be a single string with the recipe name or a dictionary with more fine grained settings. Such entries might either name another recipe directly (name) or a list of further dependencies (depends) that inherit the settings from the current entry. See the following example for both formats:

    - foo
    - bar
        name: toolchain
        use: [tools, environment]
        forward: True
        if: "${FOOBAR}"
            - baz
            - qux

In the first and second case only the package is named, meaning the build result of recipe foo resp. bar is fed as $2 and $3 to the build script. Any provided dependencies of these packages (provideDeps) will be implicitly added to the dependency list too.

In the third case a recipe named toolchain is required but instead of using its result the recipe imports any declared tools and environment variables from toolchain. Additionally, because of the forward attribute, these imported tools and variables are not only imported into the current recipe but also forwarded to the following recipes (baz and qux).

The 4th case is a recursive definition where the simple dependencies baz and qux are guarded by a common condition. These dependencies will only be considered if the variable FOOBAR expands to a value that is evaluated as boolean true. If the condition passes these dependencies will be available as $4 and $5 to the build script. Recursive definitions might be nested freely and they might override any setting mentioned in the table below. All if properties on each nesting level must evaluate to true for an entry to take effect.

Detailed entries must either contain a name property or a depends list. The following settings are supported:






The name of the required recipe. String substitution is applied to this setting.


List of Dependencies

A list of dependencies inheriting the settings of this entry.


List of strings

List of the results that are used from the package. The following values are allowed:

  • deps: provided dependencies of the recipe. These dependencies will be added at the end of the dependency list unless the dependency is already on the list.

  • environment: exported environment variables of the recipe.

  • result: build result of the recipe.

  • tools: declared build tools of the recipe.

  • sandbox: declared sandbox of the recipe.

Default: Use the result and dependencies ([deps, result]).



If true, the dependency is available as argument to the checkout step. The build step will still have access to this dependency.

Defaults to false. Only relevant if result is included in these use list.



If true, the imported environment, tools and sandbox will be forwarded to the dependencies following this one. Otherwise these variables, tools and/or sandbox will only be accessible in the current recipe.

Default: False.


Dictionary (String -> String)

This clause allows to define or override environment variables for the dependencies. Example:

    FOO: value
    BAR: baz
    BAZ: "${VAR}"

Value strings in this clause are subject to String substitution.


String | IfExpression

See Boolean properties for evaluation details. The dependency is only considered if the string/expression evaluates to true. The follwing two examples are equivilent:

if: "$(or,$(eq,$FOO,bar),$BAZ)"

if: !expr |
      "${FOO}" == "bar" || "${BAZ}"

Default: “true”


Dictionary (String -> String)

Remap an existing tool to another name, possibly replacing the other tool. This is useful to change tools for a single dependency, e.g. using the host toolchain for the dependency instead of the current cross compiling toolchain. Example:

    target-toolchain: host-toolchain

This will replace target-toolchain for the dependency with the current host-toolchain. At the dependency both names will refer to the same tool.



Inherit current environment, tools and sandbox to this dependency. When set to false, all environment variables are reset to their default and no tools or sandbox are passed down to the dependency. This is mostly useful to make an existing root-package become a dependency of another (root) package.

Default: true


Type: Dictionary (String -> String)

Defines environment variables in the scope of the current recipe. Any inherited variables of the downstream recipe with the same name are overwritten. All variables are passed to upstream recipes.


   PKG_VERSION: "1.2.3"

All environment keys are eligible to variable substitution. The environment of the recipe and inherited classes are merged together. Suppose the project has the following simple recipe/class structure:

    inherit: [asan, werror]
        CFLAGS: "${CFLAGS:-} -DFOO=1"

        CFLAGS: "${CFLAGS:-} -fsanitize=address"

        CFLAGS: "${CFLAGS:-} -Werror"

The definitions of the recipe has the highest precedence (i.e. it is substituted last). Declarations of classes are substituted in their inheritance order, that is, the last inherited class has the highest precedence. Given the above example, the resulting CFLAGS would be ${CFLAGS:-} -fsanitize=address -Werror -DFOO=1

See also privateEnvironment.


Removed in version 0.25.


Type: String

The fingerprint script is executed before a package is built or downloaded. The script is supposed to gather information about whatever external resource is used in the recipe and output that in a stable format. The actual output is irrelevant to Bob as long as it detects all relevant external influences of the build result and that subsequent executions of the script generate the same output if the external components have not changed.


Defining a fingerprintScript does not enable fingerprinting yet. At least one inherited class, used tool or the recipe itself must enable it by setting fingerprintIf accordingly.

Bob will incrementally rebuild the package whenever the fingerprint script output changes. The output of the script is also used to tag binary artifacts. An artifacts will only be downloaded if the fingerprint script generated the same output. This enables Bob to prevent false sharing of binary artifacts across otherwise incompatible machines.

The fingerprint script is executed in an empty temporary directory. It does not have access to any dependencies of the recipe nor to the checked out sources. A subset of environment variables of the package (see {checkout,build,package}Vars) as defined by fingerprintVars is set. The usual bash options are applied (nounset, errexit, pipefail) too. If the script returns with a non-zero exit status it will fail the build. The output on stderr is ignored but will be displayed in the error message if the script fails. The scripts of inherited classes are concatenated (but only if their fingerprintIf condition did not evaluate to false). Any fingerprint scripts that are defined by used tools (see provideTools) are concatenated too.

The suffix of the keyword determines the language of the script. Using the Bash suffix (fingerprintScriptBash) defines a script that is interpreted with bash. Likewise, the Pwsh suffix (fingerprintScriptPwsh) defines a PowerShell script. Which language is used at build time is determined by the scriptLanguage key or, if nothing was specified, by the project scriptLanguage setting. The keyword without a suffix (fingerprintScript) is interpreted in whatever language is finally used at build time. If both the keyword with the build time language suffix and without a suffix are present then the keyword with the build language suffix takes precedence.

For common fingerprint tasks the following built-in functions are provided by Bob:


Checks the host architecture together with the type and version of the libc library. The C-compiler that is used can be configured either with the first parameter of the function or it will use the CC environment variable. If both are not set the cc command is used.

This helper should typically be used with the host compiler recipe.


Checks the host architecture together with the type and version of the C++ standard library. The C++-compiler that is used can be configured either with the first parameter of the function or it will use the CXX environment variable. If both are not set the c++ command is used.

This helper should typically be used with the host compiler recipe.


Takes a list of libraries as arguments that should be hashed. This will link an executable that links with the given libraries, call ldd and hash all used libraries.

Use this helper if no other information is available about a library / libraries except the name.

These helpers can be used in the fingerprint script. Their actual implementation and output may change in the future as more systems are supported by Bob.


Type: String | Boolean | null | IfExpression (Boolean properties)

By default no fingerprinting is done unless at least one inherited class, used tool or the recipe explicitly enables it. This is done by either setting fingerprintIf to True or by a boolean expression string that is evaluated to True. This can be used e.g. to apply a fingerprint only if the package is built for the host and not cross-compiled. The fingerprintScript[{Bash,Pwsh}] of the recipe is only evaluated if fingerprintIf is true. Otherwise the fingerprint script is ignored even if some other class enables fingerprinting. Setting fingerprintIf to False will unconditionally disable the associated fingerprintScript.

A null value has a special semantic. It does not enable fingerprinting for a package but retains the associated fingerprint script. If some inherited class, the recipe or a used tool does enable fingerprinting then the fingerprint script will still be evaluated. This is useful for classes to provide some fingerprinting functions but, unless an inheriting recipe defines a fingerprint script, does not enable fingerprinting of the recipe by itself.


fingerprintIf: True                       # unconditionally enable fingerprinting
fingerprintIf: "$(eq,${TOOLCHAIN},host)"  # boolean experession
fingerprintIf: null                       # same as if unset
fingerprintIf: !expr |                    # IfExpression
                  "${TOOLCHAIN}" == "host"

If not given it defaults to null.


Type: List of strings

This declares the subset of the environment variables of the affected package that should be set during the execution of the fingerprintScript. Only variables that are selected by {checkout,build,package}Vars can be used. It is not an error that a variable listed here is unset. The variables will only be set if the corresponding fingerprintScript is enabled too.


Type: List of Strings

Include classes with the given name into the current recipe. Example:

inherit: [cmake]

Classes are searched in the classes/ directory with the given name. The syntax of classes is the same as the recipes. In particular classes can inherit other classes too. The inheritance graph is traversed depth first and every class is included exactly once.

All attributes of the class are merged with the attributes of the current recipe. If the order is important the attributes of the class are put in front of the respective attributes of the recipe. For example the scripts of the inherited class of all steps are inserted in front of the scripts of the current recipe.


Type: Boolean

Pass MAKEFLAGS Environment variable to the executed script with -j and --jobserver-auth set. This enables submakes or other tools to use Bobs internal jobserver or even the jobserver of make calling bob. Bob also participating and not starting any new step as long as no ticket is available.

Not available on Windows.


The jobserver protocol does not specify if the pipe is blocking or non-blocking. Bob uses non-blocking pipes like GNU make starting with version 4.3. Earlier versions of GNU make will fail with the following error message: *** read jobs pipe: Resource temporarily unavailable.  Stop.. Either update your make version or disable the jobServer feature.


Type: Dictionary (String -> String)

metaEnvironment variables behave like privateEnvironment variables. They overrule other environment variables and can be used in all steps. In addition all metaEnvironment variables are added to the audit no matter they are used in a step or not. This predestines metaEnvironment variables to add the license type or version of a package.

The bob-query-meta command can be used to retrieve metaEnvironment variables.

All metaEnvironment variables are subject to string substitution, unless the substituteMetaEnv policy is configured for the old behaviour.


Type: Dictionary (String -> Recipe)

By utilizing the multiPackage keyword it is possible to unify multiple recipes into one. The final package name is derived from the current recipe name by appending the key under multiPackage separated by a “-”. If an empty string is given as key the separator is not inserted. Nested multiPackages are also supported. Every level of multiPackages appends another suffix to the package name. The following example recipe foo.yaml declares four packages: foo, foo-bar-x, foo-bar-y and foo-baz:

      buildScript: ...
            packageScript: ...
            packageScript: ...

All other keywords on the same level are treated as an anonymous base class that is inherited by the defined multiPackage’s. That way you can have common parts to all multiPackage entries and keep just the distinct parts separately.

A typical use case for this feature are recipes for libraries. There are two packages that are built from a library: a -target packet that has the shared libraries needed during runtime and a -dev packet that has the header files and other needed files to link with this library.


Type: Dictionary (String -> String)

Defines environment variables just for the current recipe. Any inherited variables with the same name of the downstream recipe or others that were consumed from the dependencies are overwritten. All variables defined or replaced by this keyword are private to the current recipe.



The privateEnvironment of the recipe and inherited classes are merged together. See environment for the merge and string substitution behaviour.


Type: List of Patterns

The provideDeps keyword receives a list of dependency names. These must be dependencies of the current recipe, i.e. they must appear in the depends section. It is no error if the condition of such a dependency evaluates to false. In this case the entry is silently dropped. To specify multiple dependencies with a single entry shell globbing patterns may be used. As for the names of the dependencies string substitution is also applied to provideDeps.

Provided dependencies are subsequently injected into the dependency list of the downstream recipe that has a dependency to this one (if deps is included in the use attribute of the dependency, which is the default). This works in a transitive fashion too, that is provided dependencies of an upstream recipe are forwarded to the downstream recipe too.


    - common-dev
    - communication-dev
    - config


provideDeps: [ "*-dev" ]

Bob will make sure that the forwarded dependencies are compatible in the injected recipe. That is, any duplicates through injected dependencies must result in the same package being used.


Type: Dictionary (String -> Path | Tool-Dictionary)

The provideTools keyword defines an arbitrary number of build tools that may be used by other steps during the build process. In essence the definition declares a path (and optionally several library paths) under a certain name that, if consumed, are added to $PATH (and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH) of consuming recipes. Example:

      path: bin
      libs: [ "sysroot/lib/i386-linux-gnu", "sysroot/usr/lib", "sysroot/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu" ]
      netAccess: True
         CC: gcc
         LD: ld
      fingerprintIf: True
      fingerprintScript: |
         bob-libc-version gcc

The path attribute is always needed. The libs attribute, if present, must be a list of paths to needed shared libraries. Any path that is specified must be relative. If the recipe makes use of existing host binaries and wants to provide them as tool you should create symlinks to the host paths.

The netAccess attribute allows the tool to request network access during build/package step execution even if the recipe has not requested it (see {build,package}NetAccess). The network access is only granted if the tool is used. This attribute might be needed if the recipe cannot know if a particular tool actually requires network access. A prominent example are proprietary compilers that need to talk to a license server. Unless a package is built with such a compiler the network access is not needed.

The environment attribute provides the ability to define environment variables that are automatically picked up by the recipe where the tool is used. This allows for much more fine-grained variable provisioning than provideVars. If multiple tools are used in a recipe they must define distinct variables because no particular order between tools is defined. The values defined in this attribute are subject to variable substitution.

The fingerprintScript attribute defines a fingerprint script like in a normal recipe by fingerprintScript[{Bash,Pwsh}]. A fingerprint script defined by a tool is implicitly added to the fingerprint scripts of all recipes that use the particular tool. Use it to automatically apply a fingerprint to all recipes whose result will depend on the host environment by using the tool. The fingerprintIf and fingerprintVars attributes are handled the in the same way.

If no attributes except path are present the declaration may be abbreviated by giving the relative path directly:

   host-toolchain: bin


Type: Dictionary (String -> String)

Declares arbitrary environment variables with values that should be passed to the downstream recipe. The values of the declared variables are subject to variable substitution. The substituted values are taken from the current package environment. Example:

    ARCH: "arm"
    CROSS_COMPILE: "arm-linux-${ABI}-"

By default these provided variables are not picked up by downstream recipes. This must be declared explicitly by a use: [environment] attribute in the dependency section of the downstream recipe. Only then are the provided variables merged into the downstream recipes environment.


Type: Sandbox-Dictionary

The provideSandbox keyword offers the current recipe as sandbox for the downstream recipe. Any consuming downstream recipe (via use: [sandbox]) will be built in a sandbox where the root file system is the result of the current recipe. The initial $PATH is defined with the required paths keyword that should hold a list of paths. This will completely replace $PATH of the host for consuming recipes.


The build result is considered to be an invariant of such a sandbox. This implies that recipes shall produce the same result, regardless whether the sandbox is used or not.

Optionally there can be a mount keyword. With mount it is possible to specify additional paths of the host that are mounted read only in the sandbox. The paths are specified as a list of either strings or lists of two or three elements. Use a simple string when host and sandbox path are the same without any special options. To specify distinct paths use a list with two entries where the host path is the first element and the second element is the path in the sandbox.

The long format with three items additionally allows to specify a list of mount flags. The shorter formats described above have no flags set. The following flags are available:

  • nofail: Don’t fail the build if the host path is not available. Instead drop the mount silently.

  • nolocal: Do not use this mount in local builds.

  • nojenkins: Do not use this mount in Jenkins builds.

  • rw: Mount as read-writable instead of read-only.

Additionally there can be an optional environment keyword. This works like the provideVars keyword and defines environment variables that are picked up by the depending recipe. In contrast to provideVars the variables defined here are only consumed if the sandbox is actually used (i.e. the parent recipe defined sandbox in the use section and the user builds with --sandbox). In this case the variables defined here have a higher precedence that the ones defined in provideVars.

Variable substitution is possible for the mount paths and environment variables. See String substitution for the available substations. The mount paths are also subject to an additional variable expansion when a step using the sandbox is actually executed. This can be useful e.g. to expand variables that are only available on the build server.

By default, the user ID inside the sandbox is nobody. The optional user key allows to use two other identities: root or $USER. Note that using root does not provide any more privileges. It merely maps the current user ID to the root user ID inside the sandbox. The $USER option keeps the current user ID when entering the sandbox. No other values are allowed.


    paths: ["/bin", "/usr/bin"]
        - "/etc/resolv.conf"
        - "${MYREPO}"
        - "\\$HOME/.ssh"
        - ["\\$SSH_AUTH_SOCK", "\\SSH_AUTH_SOCK", [nofail, nojenkins]]
        AUTOCONF_BUILD: "x86_64-linux-gnu"
    user: nobody

The example assumes that the variable MYREPO was set somewhere in the recipes. On the other hand $HOME is expanded later at build time. This is quite useful on Jenkins because the home directory there is certainly different from the one where Bob runs. The last entry shows two mount option being used. This line mounts the ssh-agent socket into the sandbox if available. This won’t be done on Jenkins at all and the build will proceed even if $SSH_AUTH_SOCK is unset or invalid. Note that such variables have to be in the whitelist to be available to the shell.


The mount paths are considered invariants of the build. That is changing the mounts will neither automatically cause a rebuild of the sandbox (and affected packages) nor will binary artifacts be re-fetched.

The user might amend the mount and search paths in default.yaml by a sandbox entry. The user identity can be overridden too.


Type: Boolean

If True, Bob can assume that the package result is independent of the actual location in the file system. Usually, all packages should be relocatable as this is a fundamental assumption of Bob’s working model. There might be particular tools, though, that depend on their installed location. For such tools the property should be set to False.

If the property is not set, the default will be True. Inherited values from a class will be overwritten by the recipe or inheriting class.


Type: Boolean | String | IfExpression (Boolean properties)

Recipe attribute which defaults to False. If set to True the recipe is declared a root recipe and becomes a top level package. If a string IfExpression is given it is subject to variable expansion and is interpreted as boolean according to the rules explained in Boolean properties.


Type: Enumeration: bash, PowerShell.

Defines the scripting language which is used to run the {checkout,build,package,fingerprint}Script scripts when building the package. If nothing is specified the scriptLanguage setting from config.yaml is used. Depending on the chosen language Bob will either invoke bash or pwsh/powershell as script interpreter. In either case the command must be present in $PATH/%PATH%.


Type: Boolean

Marking a recipe as shared implies that the result may be shared between different projects or workspaces. Only completely deterministic packages may be marked as such. Typically large static packages (such as toolchains) are enabled as shared packages. By reusing the result the hard disk usage can be sometimes reduced drastically.

The exact behaviour depends on the build backend. For local builds the location is configured by share in default.yaml. On Jenkins the result will be copied to a separate directory in the Jenkins installation and will be used from there. This reduces the job workspace size considerably at the expense of having artifacts outside of Jenkins’s regular control.

Project configuration (config.yaml)

The file config.yaml holds all static configuration options that are not subject to be changed when building packages. The following sections describe the top level keys that are currently understood. The file is optional or could be empty.


Type: String

Defines the minimum required version of Bob that is needed to build this project. Any older version will refuse to build the project. The version number given here might be any prefix of the actual version number, e.g. “0.1” instead of the actual version number (e.g. “0.1.42”). Bob’s version number is specified according to Semantic Versioning. Therefore it is usually only needed to specify the major and minor version.

The version string has to be compliant to Python PEP 440. It is allowed to specify pre-release versions (e.g. 0.16.0rc1) and even development versions (e.g. 0.15.1.dev42). A version without pre-release suffix is considered more recent than a version with a pre-release suffix. The development release number is only relevant if the main version and the pre-release versions are equal.


Type: List of strings or SCM-Dictionaries

The layers section consists of a list of layer names that are then expected in the layers directory of the project root directory:

    - myapp
    - bsp

Layers that are not named in this section but that are present in the layers directory are ignored. Layers that are named but that do not exist lead to a parse error. Layers can be nested, that is, a layer can itself have layers below it.

The order of layers is important with respect to settings made by default.yaml in the various layers. The project root has the highest precedence. The layers in config.yaml are named from highest to lowest precedence. A layer with a higher precedence can override settings from layers of lower precedence.

See Configuration for more information.

Typically, layers are stored in their own SCM. To provide them to the root recipes, common SCM-methods like git-submodules can be used. Another possibility is to provide an SCM-Dictionary (see checkoutSCM) and let Bob manage the layer:

    - name: myapp
      scm: git
      commit: ...
    - bsp


Managed layers are only supported if the managedLayers policy is set to the new behaviour.

If a layer SCM specification is given, Bob takes care of the layer management:

  • Layers are checked out / updated during bob-build (except build-only).

  • The bob layers command can update layers or show their status (see bob-layers).


SCM backed layers are checked out into the build tree rather than the project root directory. This is important as soon as an out-of-source build tree is used (see bob-init).

Only git, svn, url and cvs SCMs are supported for layers. Because layers are fetched and updated before any User configuration (default.yaml) is parsed, the regular whitelist and scmOverrides settings are not used. Instead, layer checkouts are controlled by layersWhitelist and layersScmOverrides.


Whitelist for layers update only. See whitelist.


scmOverrides used by layers checkout / update. Conditional overrides are not supported.


Type: List of strings

Plugins are loaded in the same order as listed here. For each name in this section there must be a .py-file in the plugins directory next to the recipes. For a detailed description of plugins see Plugins.


Type: Dictionaly (Policy name -> Bool)

The policies section allows to individually set policies to their old (disabled) or new (enabled) behaviour. See Defined policies for a list of all policies and their rationale.


    defaultFileMode: False

This will explicitly request old behaviour for the defaultFileMode policy.


Type: Enumeration: bash, PowerShell.

Defines the scripting language which is used to run the {checkout,build,package,fingerprint}Script scripts. Defaults to bash. Might be overrided on a case-by-case basis in a class or recipe with scriptLanguage. Depending on the chosen language Bob will either invoke bash or pwsh/powershell as script interpreter. In either case the command must be present in $PATH/%PATH%.

User configuration (default.yaml)

The default.yaml file holds configuration options that may be overridden by the user. Most commands will also take an ‘-c’ option where any number of additional configuration files with the same syntax can be specified.

Like git there are three locations where bob is looking for a configuration file. They are parsed in descending order making it possible to locally override global settings.:

    System-wide configuration file.

$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bob/default.yaml resp. ~/.config/bob/default.yaml:
    User-specific configuration File. If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set
    ~/.config/bob/default.yaml is used.

    Workspace-specific configuration file.

User configuration files may optionally include other configuration files. Files are included relative to the currently processed file. These includes are parsed after the current file, meaning that options of included configuration files take precedence over the current one. Included files do not need to exist and are silently ignored if missing. Includes are specified without the .yaml extension:

    - overrides

It is possible for plugins to define additional settings. See Plugin settings for more information. Their meaning and typing is completely controlled by the respective plugin and Bob will just pass the data as-is without further interpretation.

User configuration files may also require specific files to be included. The require keyword behaves just like the include keyword with the exception that Bob raises a parsing error if the file to be included cannot be found:

   - overrides
   - /path/to/some/file

Required include files have a lower precedence that optional include files.


Type: Dictionary (String -> String)

Aliases allow a string to be substituted for the first step of a relative location path:

   myApp: "host/files/group/app42"
   allTests: "//*-unittest"

See Alias substitution for the rules that apply to aliases.


Type: Dictionary or list of dictionaries

The archive key configures the default binary artifact server(s) that should be used. It is either directly an archive backend entry or a list of archive backends. For each entry at least the backend key must be specified. Optionally there can be a flags key that receives a list of various flags, in particular for what operations the backend might be used. See the following list for possible flags. The default is [download, upload].


Use this archive to download artifacts. Note that you still have to explicitly enable downloads on Jenkins servers. For local builds the exact download behaviour depends on the build mode (release vs. develop).


Use this archive to upload artifacts. To actually upload to the archive the build must be performed with uploads enabled (--upload).


Use this archive to cache downloaded artifacts from other archives. If a binary artifact was successfully downloaded from another archive it will be uploaded into this archive, unless it already exists there. Useful to cache artifacts locally on slow network connections.


Don’t fail the build if the upload or download from this archive fails. In any case it is never an error if a download does not find the requested archive on the backend. This option additionally suppresses other errors such as unknown hosts or interrupted transfers.


Do not use this archive in local builds.


Do not use this archive in Jenkins builds.

Depending on the backend further specific keys are available or required. See the following table for supported backends and their configuration.




Do not use a binary repository (default).


Microsoft Azure Blob storage backend. The account must be specified in the account key. Either a key or a sasToken may be set to authenticate, otherwise an anonymous access is used. Finally the container must be given in container. Requires the azure-storage-blob Python3 library to be installed.


Use a local directory as binary artifact repository. The directory should be specified in the path key as absolute path. An initial ~ or ~user component is replaced by the users home directory. The optional fileMode and directoryMode keys take the desired access modes as numeric value to override the default umask derived modes.


Uses a HTTP server as binary artifact repository. The server has to support the HEAD, PUT and GET methods. The base URL is given in the url key. The optional sslVerify boolean key controls whether to verify the SSL certificate.


This backend can be used to execute commands that do the actual up- or download. A download and/or upload key provides the commands that are executed for the respective operation. The configured commands are executed by bash and are expected to copy between the local archive (given as $BOB_LOCAL_ARTIFACT) and the remote one (available as $BOB_REMOTE_ARTIFACT). See the example below for a possible use with scp.

The directory layouts of the azure, file, http and shell ($BOB_REMOTE_ARTIFACT) backends are compatible. If multiple download backends are available they will be tried in order until a matching artifact is found. All available upload backends are used for uploading artifacts. Any failing upload will fail the whole build.


The uploaded artifacts can be managed by bob-archive. It might be wise to use different repositories for release builds and for continous builds to keep them separated.


   backend: http
   url: "http://localhost:8001/upload"

HTTP basic authentication is supported. The user name and password must be put in the URL. Be careful to escape special characters of the password with proper percent encoding:

   backend: http
   url: "https://user:passw%40rd@server.test/artifacts"


The password will be part of the Jenkins job configuration. Anybody who can read the jobs config.xml will be able to retrieve the password!

It is also possible to use separate methods for upload and download:

        backend: http
        url: "http://localhost:8001/archive"
        flags: [download]
        backend: shell
        upload: "scp -q ${BOB_LOCAL_ARTIFACT} localhost:archive/${BOB_REMOTE_ARTIFACT}"
        download: "scp -q localhost:archive/${BOB_REMOTE_ARTIFACT} ${BOB_LOCAL_ARTIFACT}"
        flags: [upload]

The azure backend can also be used in conjunction with the http backend in case of publicly readable containers. Given a typical configuration like this:

    backend: azure
    account: <account>
    container: <container name>
    key: <access key>

the anonymous access to the container can be used like this:

    backend: http
    url: https://<account><container name>
    flags: [download]

The flags: [download] makes sure that Bob does not try to upload artifacts in case other backends are configured too.


Type: Dictionary or list of dictionaries

These keys receive the same archive specification(s) like the archive keyword. Compared to the archive key, which replaces the currently configured archives, the archivePrepend key prepends the given archive(s) to the current list and archiveAppend appends to it. See archive for more details.

It is usually advisable to use these keywords instead of archive to enable interoperability between projects, layers and the local user configuration.


Type: Dict of command dicts

Override default command settings:


build / dev

Set default build arguments here. See bob-dev or bob-build for details.:

        no_logfile: True
        build_mode: "build-only"
        verbosity: 3
        download: No

The following table lists possible arguments and their type:


Command line switch




List of strings (regular expression patterns)








-b | -B | --normal

String (normal, build-only or checkout-only)


--clean | --incremental







String (Path)



String (yes, no, deps, forced, forced-deps, forced-fallback or packages=<packages>)



List of strings (yes=<layer>, no=<layer>, forced=<layer>`)




















--[no-]sandbox | --slim-sandbox | --dev-sandbox | --strict-sandbox

Boolean / String (yes, no, slim, dev, strict)








-q | -v

Integer (-2[quiet] .. 3[verbose], default 0)


Set default graph arguments here. See bob-graph for details.:

            d3.dragNodes: True
        type: "d3"
        max_depth: 2

Supported arguments and their type:




Dictonary of String key value pairs


“d3” or “dot”




Type: Dictionary (String -> String)

Specifies default environment variables. Example:

   # Number of make jobs is determined by the number of available processors
   # (nproc).  If desired it can be set to a specific number, e.g. "2". See
   # classes/make.yaml for details.
   MAKE_JOBS: "nproc"

These variables are subject to String substitution with the current OS environment. This allows to take over certain variables from the OS environment in a controlled fashion.


Hooks are other programs or scripts that can be executed by Bob at certain points, e.g. before or after a build. Unless otherwise noted they are executed with the project root directory as working directory. Example:

    postBuildHook: ./contrib/

where contrib/ is:

HEADLINE="Bob build finished"
BODY="The build in $PWD has finished: $1"
if [[ ${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP:-unknown} == KDE ]] ; then
    kdialog --passivepopup "$BODY" 10 --title "$HEADLINE"
    notify-send -u normal -t 10000 "$HEADLINE" "$BODY"

The currently supported hooks are described below.


The pre-build hook is run directly before a local build (bob dev / bob build). It receives the paths of all packages that are built as arguments.

If the hook returns with a non-zero status the build will be interrupted.


The post-build hook is run after a local build finished, regardless if the build succeeded or failed. It receives the status as first argument (success or fail) and the relative paths to the workspaces of the results as further arguments.

The return status of the hook is ignored.


Type: Mirror-entry or list of mirror-entries

Define alternate URLs that are checked either before (preMirror) or as a fallback (fallbackMirror) to the primary URL as defined in the SCM. Optionally, these mirrors can be populated during the build process. This is primarily useful for local preMirror’s so that the files are available on the next build and the original server does not need to be used any more, saving build time and bandwidth on the upstream server.

Mirrors are only used for fully deterministic SCMs. The reason is that otherwise the URL would not be interchangeable because every server could provide a different result. For the same reason it is not possible to mirror between different methods e.g., use a HTTP URL SCM mirror for a git SCM. It is not possible to independently verify the equivalence of the mirror in such a case.

When used without suffix (i.e. preMirror or fallbackMirror), the currently configured list of mirrors is replaced. By using the Prepend suffix, e.g. preMirrorPrepend, the given mirror(s) is/are prepended to the configured list of mirrors. Likewise, the Append suffix (e.g. fallbackMirrorAppend) appends to the list of mirrors. It is advised to use these suffixes instead of the bare preMirror/fallbackMirror to enable interoperability between projects, layers and the local user configuration.

Each mirror entry specifies the SCM type (scm), a regular expression to match the URL (url) and a replacement URL (mirror). Optionally, it is possible to upload to the mirror (upload). Currently only the URL SCM is supported for mirrors.


    - scm: url
      url: "https?://*)"
      mirror: "\\2"
    - scm: url
      url: "https?://*)"
      mirror: "\\2"

A typical mirror configuration for the global user configuration could look like the following. It mirrors all remote URLs to a local directory:

    scm: url
    url: "https?://.*/(.*)"
    mirror: "~/.cache/bob/mirror/\\1"
    upload: True

This will put all downloaded files into a caching directory of the current user.


Type: List of Strings

Filter root recipes. The effect of this is a faster package parsing due to the fact, that the package tree is not calculated for filtered roots.

The filter specification may use shell globbing patterns. As a special extension there is also a negative match if the pattern starts with a “!”. Such patterns will filter out entries that have been otherwise included by previous patterns in the list.


    - "foo"
    - "bar"
    - "baz"
    - "!*r"

In the above example the root recipes foo and baz are included. The bar root recipe is included initially but later rejected by the negative !*r match.


Type: Sandbox-Dictionary

The default paths, mounts and user identity inside a sandbox are defined by the provideSandbox keyword. The sandbox section in the user configuration allows to specify additional mounts, search paths or override the user identity. The format of the settings is the same as in the provideSandbox keyword.


        - [ "$HOME/bin", "/mnt" ]
        - /mnt
    user: "$USER"

The search paths from paths are added to $PATH in reverse order so that later entries have a higher precedence. In contrast to provideSandbox no variable substitution is possible for the mounts. The mount paths are still subject to shell variable expansion when a step using the sandbox is actually executed, though.

The user key allows to override the user identity inside the sandbox. It takes precedence over the value specified in provideSandbox. The default is nobody if neither setting is given. Other possible values are root and $USER. The latter is replaced by the current user ID. No other values are allowed.

The example above will mount the bin directory of the users home directory as /mnt inside the sandbox. The /mnt directory will be in $PATH before any other search directory of the sandbox but still after any used tool (if any). Additionally, the user identity inside the sandbox will be the same as the current user.


Type: Dict of SCM dicts

Default settings for SCMs are applied if the value is not set in the recipe. Useable values are marked with (*) in (checkoutSCM).


      branch: "main"
      singleBranch: True
      retries: 3
      extract: False


Type: List of override specifications

SCM overrides allow the user to alter any attribute of SCMs (checkoutSCM) without touching the recipes. They are quite useful to change e.g. the server url or to override the branch of some SCMs. Overrides are applied after string substitution. The general syntax looks like the following:

      url: ""
    del: [commit, tag]
      branch: develop
        pattern: "foo"
        replacement: "bar"
    if: !expr |
      "${BOB_RECIPE_NAME}" == "foo"

The scmOverrides key takes a list of one or more override specifications. You can select overrides using a if expression. If if condition evaluates to true the override is first matched via pattens that are in the match section. All entries under match must be matching for the override to apply. The right side of a match entry can use shell globbing patterns.

If an override is matching the actions are then applied in the following order:

  • del: The list of attributes that are removed.

  • set: The attributes and their values are taken, overwriting previous values.

  • replace: Performs a substitution based on regular expressions. This section can hold any number of attributes with a pattern and a replacement. Each occurrence of pattern is replaced by replacement.

All overrides values are mangled through String substitution. Mangling is performed during calculation of the checkoutStep so that the full environment for this step is available for substitution.

When an override is applied the overridden property of the SCM is set to true. This property can be used with the matchScm function in package queries to find packages whose SCM(s) have been overridden.


Packages marked as shared can be installed to a shared location. All projects that use the same shared location can benefit from sharing such shared packages on the same machine.


    path: ~/.cache/bob/pkgs
    quota: "5G"
    autoClean: True

The path property is required. An initial ~ or ~user component is replaced by the users home directory. By default no quota is set. The quota can either be set to null (explicitly disables quota), a number to give the maximum size in bytes or a string with optional magnitude suffix. The standard IEC units are supported (KiB, MiB, GiB and TiB) which can optionally be abbreviated by leaving out the iB suffix (e.g. G for GiB). SI units (base 1000) are supported too (KB, MB, GB, and TB). The autoClean property, which defaults to True, controls the garbage collection on installation time. If enabled, old and unused packages will be deleted automatically if the quota is exceeded. To manually clean the shared location call bob clean –shared.

This setting only applies for local builds. For Jenkins builds the shared.dir Extended Options can be set.

It is advisable to configure the shared package location and quota in the user configuration file (~/.config/bob/default.yaml). This way all projects built by the user will benefit from this location and the quota is consistently configured for all projects.


Type: Dictionary

Specifies options of user interface.


Color mode of console output. Can be also overridden by command line option --color.


No colors in output


Use colors in output


Use colors only when TTY console detected (default)


Set the threshold for switching between TUIs. Default: 16

If the number of jobs exceeds this threshold the TUI switches from one status line per job to a TUI using only two status lines.


Set the behaviour of package queries when no package is matched. Can be overridden on the command line by the global --query option of bob.


Empty sets of packages are considered a regular result and never treated as an error. This includes trivial path location steps where exact package names do not match.


Return an empty set of packages if the query involves wildcard name matches and/or predicates. Otherwise, that is if only direct name matches are used, an error is raised if a package name in the path does not match. This is the default.


An empty set of packages is always treated as an error.


Type: List of Strings

Specifies a list of environment variable keys that should be passed unchanged to all scripts during execution. The content of these variables are considered invariants of the build. It is no error if any variable specified in this list is not set. By default the following environment variables are passed to all scripts:

  • Linux and other POSIX platforms: PATH, TERM, SHELL, USER, HOME


  • MSYS2: Union of POSIX and Windows white list

The names given with whitelist are added to the list and does not replace the default list.


# Keep ssh-agent working
whitelist: ["SSH_AGENT_PID", "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"]


Type: List of strings

Remove the given names from the whitelist. It is not an error to remove a non-existing name. See whitelist for more details.